Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Krauthammer carpipng, what the President might say

•The always negative Krauthammer in the Corner on the Stimulus bill:

•"Look, this is one of the worst bills in galactic history. [...] FDR left behind the Hoover dam and Eisenhower left behind the interstate highway system. We will leave behind, after spending $1 trillion, a dog run in East Potomac Park."

•President Obama should of course not dignify this distortion with a direct response, but something like the following would be helpful:

Some in the Republican party have said that our stimulus plan is too dilute, with no investment in major infrastructure projects comparable to the Interstate Highway System begun under Dwight Eisenhower. To these critics, I would remind them that the purpose of the Stimulus Bill is to put money and energy into immediate recovery. Our longer term goals very much do include major infrastructure investment, to rebuild our economy, and to ensure the proper role of government as a partner for the private sector in making the investments in transportation, education, energy, health and environmental infrastructure we so need, and we very much welcome Republican support for this effort.

1 comment:

whatnextrepublicans said...

If the goal of the stimulus was, as you posted "to put money and energy into immediate recovery" then why is more than 2/3 of the spending in the years when, as most people acknowledge, the recession will be past.

The stimulus bill was a way for Obama, Pelosi and Reid to jam through numerous pet projects that they have been trying to get for years. The leaders in transparency gave us a huge bit of obfuscation and we all fell for it.

Look, Obama won and he has the right to do this kind of stuff, but I'd have liked to see him at least be honest about it and pass the stimulus bill with things that were truly going to inject money into the economy in the next 18 months. The rest of the stuff could have taken its time and gone through the normal appropriations process. But the president took advice from his chief of staff and just couldn't let a good crisis go to waste.